Tuesday, January 25, 2011


That's me in 10th grade.

As long as I can remember, basketball has been a part of my life. Up until college, I would have to say basketball more or less was my life.

It's who I was, it's what I was known for, it's what I did. I was one of those people that you could look at and tell I was a baller.

Most of my best memories are on the court or have to do with basketball.

Playing with three of the best (and best looking) boys I know.

Once I got into college and stopped playing, it was really strange for me. I still dressed like a baller, and acted like a baller. It was kind of an identity crisis. It took me a long time to realize that my identity is in Christ and it doesn't matter what people know me as. It was a sweet freedom to realize I can dress and act how I want and not how I think I should because of what I believe my "identity" to be.


Despite that, since being in college and not playing very often, I felt like a part of me was missing. I know that sounds ridiculously cliche, but I really did. It had been such a huge part of my life for so long, that without it, it feels like something is missing.

you wish you were as baller as us.

I say all this to tell you all that I've started reffing for a children's rec league 3 nights a week, and I am loving every minute of it. It's so fun to be around it again, even if it is in a different role than I am used to.


  1. You know, i'm used to people just looking at me and knowing im a baller too, but it doesn't have anything to do with the sport.

  2. i definitely understand how you feel. i was a swim coach every summer in college. it's a good way to be around it and inspire others to love it as much as you do :)
