Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Am From

I am from mess and noise
From stuffed animals and an old driveway basketball goal
I’m from the suburban brown bricks of the lower middle class
From fast food dinners, garage work outs,
And the tree in the yard that grew up while I did.

I’m from Uno games and yelling matches
From momma’s hugs and dad’s anger
From sisters laughing and tears flowing
And desperate desire for things to get better.

I’m from Bible stories and truth spoken
From Christian hip hop and learning to trust
From Houston basketball and not fitting in
From hopes and dreams laid aside for something better.

I’m from a mom who knew how to trust when nothing went right
And from the strength and faith that I learned in turn
From friends who taught me how to walk with Jesus
And from Jesus carrying me when I couldn’t walk.

Now, I'm from a city no one knows across the world from all I’ve known
From hours of language learning and loving those who don’t understand
I’m from longing for familiar and excited for where He has me
I’m from sharing with people who have never heard
And from Jesus putting me where He knows I belong.

I’m from hopes and hurts laid aside to follow Him.


Today, Shelovesmagazine.com is doing a synchroblog that has me inspired. The title is I Am From. Check it out here: http://shelovesmagazine.com/2013/synchroblog-i-am-from/
I enjoyed writing my own version of this post based on a poem by George Ella Lyon